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Founders of the Electronic Scientific Publication:

1."Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering" (KSUAE);
2. Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor Sakhapov Rustem Lukmanovich Head of the Department "Road-building machines", KSUAE; Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

(Decision of the Academic Council of the KSUAE, 2016)


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Dear Reader!

We thank you for your interest to our Electronic Scientific Publication (ESP) - “Technique and Technology of Transport”.

Founders of ESP:

1. "Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering" (KSUAE),

2. Sakhapov Rustem Lukmanovich - Head of the Department "Road-building machines", KSUAE, Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan.

ESP Publisher: "Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering".

The network publication "Technique and Technology of Transport: a scientific Internet journal" is registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) - Certificate of Registration of Mass Medium EL FS77-67280 dated September 21st, 2016, ISSN : 2541-8157.

The network publication "Technique and Technology of Transport: a scientific Internet journal" is available in the Bibliographic Database of Scientific Publications of Russian Scientists (RISC) .

The Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering is the leading educational institution of the Volga region within the Association of Civil Engineering Universities of Russia. It is a major scientific and educational center that trains qualified specialists for the architectural and construction complex, housing and operation, road construction and other sectors of the country's economy.

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