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Founders of the Electronic Scientific Publication:

1."Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering" (KSUAE);
2. Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor Sakhapov Rustem Lukmanovich Head of the Department "Road-building machines", KSUAE; Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

(Decision of the Academic Council of the KSUAE, 2016)


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- Innovative technology

- Automation of digging machines

- Modernization of construction machines

- Quality and reliability

- Operation of transport vehicles

- Machines testing

- Energy saving and energy efficiency

- Road Safety

- Transport safety

- Modeling of transport processes

- Traffic Management

- Organization and management of transportation

- Information technology in transport

- Smart Transport Systems

- Ecological safety

- Pedagogy and vocational training

- Economy and transport

- International practices

The subject matters of the publication correspond to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific staff approved by the Higher Attestation Commission on technique and transport technology, including education and economics in transport:

05.05.04 Road, construction and lifting machines

05.22.01 Transport and transport-technological systems of the country, its regions and cities, organization of production in transport

05.22.08 Transportation process management

05.22.10 Vehicle operation