Founders of the Electronic Scientific Publication:
1."Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering" (KSUAE);
2. Dr. Tech. Sci., Professor Sakhapov Rustem Lukmanovich Head of the Department "Road-building machines", KSUAE; Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
(Decision of the Academic Council of the KSUAE, 2016)
The editorial staff of the electronic scientific journal “Technique and Technology of Transport” accepts articles for publication in the areas specified in the subjects of the publication. The articles are accepted throughout the year. The editors reserve the right to select the articles. The decision to publish an article is made by the editorial board within one month from the date of receipt of the materials. The selected article is published on the journal website. Authors should send their files to our e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Submission instructions 1. Thematic rubric (code) Required - UDC code (according to the current nomenclature of scientific specialties) 2. Information about authors Surname, Name of all authors in full (in Russian and English) Position, Title, Academic degree (in Russian and English) The full name of the organization, i.e. the place of work of each author (in Russian and English) Email address for each author Mailing address and contact telephone numbers of all authors of the article (it can be one for all authors) 3. Title of the article It should be provided in Russian and English. 4. Abstract It is given in Russian and English (50-100 words) 5. Keywords Keywords or phrases in Russian and English (3-5) 6. References No more than 10 sources. The article should contain links to them. References should be given in accordance with the GOST 7.0.5 2008. Bibliography link. General requirements and rules. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word format. Margins: top and bottom - 2 cm; left and right - 1.5 cm Main font: Times New Roman Font size of the main text: 11-point type Line spacing: single Text Alignment: Width Paragraph indention (red line): 1 cm Volume: up to 8 pages The editors are not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by authors. Submission of materials to the editors for publication means the author's agreement with the above instructions. Articles are published for free. Contact phone: +7 (843) 272-47-54, 272-72-85, fax: +7 (843) 273-04-02 |